+ 30% conversions compared to the previous ad agency.
Many of our customers understand the effectiveness of using contextual advertising for business, but they do not always know about all options of its application. What is advertising on Google for you? Text ads at the top of the search results page? What about banners with pictures, animations or even small videos? Have you ever noticed these types of ads? This is PPC too, but on Google Display Network. Let’s try to understand this advertising technology and its benefits for your business.
Setting up advertisements on Google Display Network involves placing ads on Google partner websites. Google Display Network consists of over 2 million websites including YouTube, Gmail and Google ‘My Business’. A similar type of advertising is available in Yandex advertising network. That is, special information resources, thematic pages and blogs act as advertisers. On their websites, you can show an ad in the relevant topic.
It is worth considering that contextual advertising on Google directly in Search system is aimed at a “hotter” audience, but with high-quality settings, ads on Google Display Network can bring conversions at a very favorable price.
Example of an ad on Google Display Network:
free (when ordering contextual advertising)
+ 30% conversions compared to the previous ad agency.
For more 10 years, we have been attracting cheap leads for a customer with luxury goods. Geography — Western Europe.
We conduct highly profitable traffic from advertising in Google to the largest travel resource in the country.
+50% conversions with a 19% decrease in order value in 2019.
We reduced the price of an application for a service worth more than 800 conventional units by 32% through advertising on Facebook