+ 30% conversions compared to the previous ad agency.
You are running an ad for your website but not getting the results you expect? Do you have doubts about correctness of the settings? We recommend that you apply for a professional audit of advertising accounts. And even if you believe that everything seems to be good in terms of online advertising, it often turns out that it is not. The fact is that advertising needs to be managed, adapted to specific conditions, and made competitive in order to win auctions. In this regard, the “set-and-forget” principle leads to failure. You should regularly check your settings, keyword behavior, ad performance, and test and implement new features for your ad platforms.
What is contextual advertising audit? Your accounts will be checked by independent experts. Analysis of the situation by third-party contractors will provide objective conclusions.
Analysis of contextual advertising from our team includes a full account check, analytics settings and creation of detailed recommendations (see the table below for more details). Moreover, customers for whom we have set up ads receive cross-audits on a regular basis. These tasks are performed by several specialists from our agency, then we compare results and get a reliable picture.
A competent second opinion will open up new opportunities for the development of an advertising strategy and reveal causes for inefficiency of methods applied.
Experts will offer well-reasoned ideas for implementation. It is more difficult for a specialist who set up a campaign to notice mistakes, let alone admit them.
• budget and expenses, bidding, targeting, schedule;
• keywords, their conversion indicators, rates, positions;
• search queries, negative keywords, cross-account negative keywords;
• ads, their relevance, position;
• analysis of placements and exceptions;
• Google Display Network. Remarketing;
• track of conversions;
• optimization work analysis.
• correctness of data transfer, goals efficiency, expenses importation;
• traffic analysis (sessions, number of viewed pages, percentage of exits, customer paths, etc.);
• conversion indicators by segment: gender, age, device, day/time of day, etc.
from 399€
Placing advertisements on the Internet is just the first step towards website promotion. Continuous monitoring of results, testing approaches and changing settings is what can provide maximum traffic. A fresh, professional, outside perspective is another good way to optimize your ad campaign. Evaluate the benefits of ad auditing for the smooth flow of targeted traffic to your website.
Order the service by submitting an application in the form below or call us right now!
+ 30% conversions compared to the previous ad agency.
For more 10 years, we have been attracting cheap leads for a customer with luxury goods. Geography — Western Europe.
We conduct highly profitable traffic from advertising in Google to the largest travel resource in the country.
+50% conversions with a 19% decrease in order value in 2019.
We reduced the price of an application for a service worth more than 800 conventional units by 32% through advertising on Facebook