+ 30% conversions compared to the previous ad agency.
Google Display Network includes some of the most popular websites among Internet users – YouTube and Gmail. Placing video and GSP advertisements on these resources opens up additional opportunities for business promotion. Firstly, targeting settings are expanded, that is, you can reach even larger percentage of the target audience. Secondly, the formats of the ads themselves, the features of their display differ significantly from other types of advertising, which allows you to apply new levers of influence on the target audience.
Let’s take a look at the features of YouTube advertising. Google offers several options for video advertising: embedded ads during video playback, display ads that appear in the form of banners above the recommended videos, ads in YouTube search results, splash ads.
Example of an advertisement on YouTube:
from 399€ /one-time
+ 30% conversions compared to the previous ad agency.
For more 10 years, we have been attracting cheap leads for a customer with luxury goods. Geography — Western Europe.
We conduct highly profitable traffic from advertising in Google to the largest travel resource in the country.
+50% conversions with a 19% decrease in order value in 2019.
We reduced the price of an application for a service worth more than 800 conventional units by 32% through advertising on Facebook