+ 30% conversions compared to the previous ad agency.
There is no guaranteed method to significantly increase website conversions. However, there are mechanics that can help you identify potential growth zones. One of them is conducting A/B testing.
An A/B experiment is a comparison of 2 or more elements that are in the same conditions in order to identify the most successful option. Often, the results of such experiments show how you can increase the conversion of the website and, accordingly, reduce the cost of advertising on the Internet.
Hypotheses on what can be improved on the website, what may not work very well, the setting of the tested elements (changes of design/text/layout, etc.) and time.
As a result of testing, we receive a report showing which of the options prevailed, and then we can confidently make edits to the website. Or do nothing if the original version of the website prevailed, and try to put forward a new hypothesis.
Read more about website testing in our case “How to increase sales by 2 times using Google Optimize“.
A/B experiments on the website are carried out using the Google Optimize tool.
from от 219€ (per one experiment)
We also conduct A/B experiments on advertising accounts (Google, Facebook). This service is free (when ordering contextual and/or targeted advertising), as it is an integral part of campaign optimization.
It is very useful, in addition to high-quality optimization of advertising campaigns in context, to conduct experiments on them. The principle is the same: you take the original campaign as option A, make changes to it that are expected to lead to better performance — this is option B. You can choose the percentage distribution of impressions and the budget of A/B ads, for example 50/50, as well as the duration of the experiment.
The bottom line: A/B testing helps to get an unambiguous answer to the assumptions (yours, marketing or contextual advertising specialist’s) regarding the operation of individual elements of the website, targeting settings, etc. Having received the result, you can choose the option that will 100% increase the conversion indicator of the website advertising campaign.
+ 30% conversions compared to the previous ad agency.
For more 10 years, we have been attracting cheap leads for a customer with luxury goods. Geography — Western Europe.
We conduct highly profitable traffic from advertising in Google to the largest travel resource in the country.
+50% conversions with a 19% decrease in order value in 2019.
We reduced the price of an application for a service worth more than 800 conventional units by 32% through advertising on Facebook