All our specialists are certified by Google.
“Do we offer the businesses something unique? No, we don’t. We offer real things, indeed. These are proven practices, work strategies, KPI-specific optimization and scaling. And no any engagement in empty talks.”
We are glad to welcome you on our website!
Our advertising agency has been a Google-Partner since 2010 and provides professional services for the development of advertising strategies and their implementation using Google tools | FB | Insta | YouTube.
We are located in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. But since there are no geographic boundaries in setting up and managing advertising campaigns, we can provide our services worldwide. We have a successful track record of setting up advertising campaigns in 15+ languages. For the translation of the content, if necessary, we contact the translation agency. The rest of the campaign management work is done by the PPC specialist and web analyst.
Payments can be made in USD or EUR to our bank account.
We are included in the TOP-25 advertising agencies in Ukraine. In addition, our portfolio includes clients who previously used the services of European advertising agencies, but then switched to us. We value every client and love interesting and challenging projects. If your goal is to get a highly profitable advertising campaign for your business, we will be happy to study your project. The quality of work and the cost of our services will pleasantly surprise you.
We are passionate about what we do!
We are always in touch!
Google / Bing
Displaying ads on the most popular search systems in the world. Dozens of advertising formats to suit any business and budget
Demonstration of ads to the “hot” audience who already visited your website or knows your brand
MoreFacebook / Instagram / Linkedin
Ads display in social media. An effective way to reach the targeted audience
"Targeting" ads on the audience interested in downloading your app
Efficient type of advertising for online stores.
Displaying ads on the world's most popular video hosting service. Wide audience coverage, stimulating additional sales
Examining advertising accounts and analytics by experienced professionals. Detailed report and recommendations are provided
MoreFor more than 14 years, “Web-Marketing” team has been working in the field of Internet marketing and developing viable advertising campaigns on the Internet that are able to bring more customers.
For more than 14 years, “Web-Marketing” team has been working in the field of Internet marketing and developing viable advertising campaigns on the Internet that are able to bring more customers.
All our specialists are certified by Google.
We study the customer’s business. We are able to explain things comprehensibly and clearly.
We focus on goals and objectives (Key Performance Indicators, KPI) of the customer.
We adhere to a transparent way of working: we give all available access to ad accounts and ensure absolute confidentiality.
with conclusions, comments, recommendations and forecasts.
in communication with customers: we are always in touch and ready for a dialogue.
The process of setting up contextual and targeted advertising performed by our agency already includes the use of all advertising tools:
You don’t have to pay anything extra!
First, submit an application for calculating the required budget. Then we will analyze your website and offer an appropriate advertising strategy within the budget acceptable for your business.
Let's collaborate and achieve success together!
A few steps to success!
of customers are with us
of customers are with us
of customers are with us
Only the most experienced specialists work in our team!
We would be happy to take on your project if:
If your goal is active business development — we are at your service!
The budget for contextual and targeted advertising can also technically be any. If we talk about payback, then the budget can vary significantly depending on the features of the product, its popularity, competition in the market, the size of the target audience, etc. and usually requires an individual miscalculation. The cost of a context/target can be from several hundred $ to several thousand $ per month in large projects – tens of thousands of $.
The time required to set up an advertising campaign depends on several factors, such as advertising strategy, campaign volume, goal complexity, selected sites and prepared content. Simpler campaigns can be set up in 3-4 days, while more complex campaigns with larger audiences and a detailed strategy can take several weeks. It is important to take into account the time for planning, creating advertising materials, setting up analytics, directly targeting parameters and structural elements – campaigns, groups, ads (creatives), etc.
The cost of setting up and managing an advertising campaign may vary depending on various factors, such as the volume of the advertising campaign and the complexity of the tasks. Usually the price can be from $200-300/month to $1000-2000/month. We offer only a fixed fee calculated for a specific project. The cost of services is not tied to the size of the advertiser’s advertising budget.
To run an ad, the advertiser needs to provide information about the business, its features, product or service. Also provide available graphics, logo, videos, if any. After agreeing on all the points, an advertising campaign is set up. After launching the advertisement, the advertiser must organize the collection and recording of the results (orders, calls, subscriptions, etc.). Based on the results of the month (quarter), calculate the profitability of ROMI. Based on this indicator, the strategy and further scaling of advertising campaigns are further determined and adjusted.
The first results from contextual or targeted advertising may appear within a few days from the launch, but the full effect can be achieved in a few weeks or months – in each case individually (demand, site quality, competition, etc.)
Advertising strategy is developed for each project individually. Usually, the best result can be achieved using tools such as Google contextual advertising, Google Shopping product advertising (for selling goods), Facebook social media targeting, Instagram and remarketing. Usually before the start of advertising, tools for analyzing and tracking results, such as Google Analytics, are set up in order to then measure the result.
The profitability of contextual and targeted advertising is calculated through the ratio of advertising costs to the income received from an advertising campaign. If we talk about the profitability of contextual / targeted advertising, then for commercial projects the ROMI indicator is used.
The ROMI formula looks like this:
ROMI = (Marketing Profit – Marketing Expenses) / Marketing Expenses
If we talk only about an advertising campaign, then from systemic optimization of advertising and high-quality analytics. If we talk about the overall result, then there are many factors – demand, site conversion, USP, the work of the sales department, etc.
The agency’s services include project study, planning, developing an advertising strategy, setting up analytics and advertising, tracking results, optimizing campaigns, reporting, providing recommendations and solving technical issues. questions.
Contextual advertising and targeted advertising on Google/Facebook/Instagram and, in principle, any contextual/targeted advertising is the most popular tool in modern digital marketing. But in reality, according to our forecasts, on average, 70% of businesses that use advertising on the Internet have context and target unprofitable! Why so? There are many reasons. But the main ones are unskilled management and optimization of contextual and targeted advertising and the lack of end-to-end analytics – from the visitor entering the site to receiving a paid order in CRM. A process such as setting up and maintaining contextual advertising is, firstly, a routine, and secondly, specialized knowledge is needed. Not the ones that Google and Facebook Help gives, but practical knowledge and understanding of how advertising tools really work! In addition, you need to constantly engage in analytics, make changes to the advertising strategy, conduct testing in contextual advertising, analyze analytics again and edit again. Therefore, many advertisers do not pay due attention to running campaigns, and as a result, most advertising campaigns in Ukraine are set up according to the 20/80 principle – 20% of efforts give 80% of the result. But this approach does not work if you need advertising not for the sake of seeing yourself in Google, but advertising for the sake of profitability and profit! To achieve payback, you need systematic work on targeted and contextual advertising, a full-fledged collection and analysis of results, the introduction of end-to-end analytics, work to increase website conversion, etc. This is the only way to bring an advertising campaign to a positive profitability with its subsequent scaling.