42% lower conversion price with a new landing. Medical topics
How to reduce your cost per conversion by 42% with testing.
Promotion channel: contextual advertising (Google Ads)
Client: Travel agency
GEO: Ukraine (excluding the JFO zone and Crimea)
Campaign duration: March 28 – April 28 (2017)
Target: to get a maximum number of conversions within the ad budget allocated by the client.
Result obtained: conversions growth - by 171%; conversion cost decrease – by 2.5 times.Since it was not technically possible to track direct conversions, weighted conversions i.e., the sum of micro conversions subject to their importance (weight) were used to optimize advertising campaigns.
The following targets were used:
1. Click on the “Order a tour” button
2. Click on the “Where to buy a tour” button
3. Click on the “Get price” button
4. More than 10 tours viewed
NCC (КУК) — the number of conditional/weighted conversions (a weighted indicator that covers all targeted actions subject to their significance);
CCP (ЦУК) — conditional/weighted conversion price;
We have set up Search campaigns, Display Network and Remarketing campaign. The search campaign was initially the most effective. However, after optimization, display remarketing gave the best results. Since the budget was quite small, we did not test further, and distributed the rest of the budget in favour of remarketing. Groups within the campaign were divided by country and by duration.
As concerns Display Network, relatively high rates were required to ensure the required amount of traffic, while the Conversion ratio was significantly inferior to the search and remarketing campaigns. After the first week of testing, the Display Network campaign was completely disabled to maximize the efficient allocation of the remaining ad budget.
Result obtained
First week:
The number of weighted conversions is 85.20;
Price of weighted conversion is UAH 10.44
Last week:
The number of weighted conversions is 231.40;
Price of weighted conversion is UAH 4.45
Author: Illia SamilenkoQuestions about this article? - Ask them to us, we will be happy to answer you!
How to reduce your cost per conversion by 42% with testing.
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